ABC News: Colin Powells Calls on Congress to Support Abortion Coverage for Military Rape Victims (December 10, 2012)
In a letter sent to key lawmakers on Capitol Hill former U.S. Secretary of State and retired Gen. Colin Powell calls on Congress to support abortion coverage for military rape victims.

The Huffington Post: Colin Powell Urges Congress to Pass Abortion Amendment For Military Rape Victims (December 10, 2012)
Colin Powell, former Secretary of State under president George W. Bush, urged House and Senate leaders on Monday to support Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-N.H.) amendment to extend the insurance coverage of abortion to military rape survivors.

The New York Times Editorial: Two Important Steps for Women (December 6, 2012)
The version of the National Defense Authorization Act approved this week by the Senate contains two important provisions promoting equitable treatment of women. Both merit retention in the final bill now being negotiated by a House-Senate conference committee.

Op/ed: An injustice faced by our military women (November 23, 2012)
By Captain Joellen Drag Oslund, USNR (Ret.)
This election season, politicians made many outrageous statements about rape and pregnancy, usually in relation to a woman’s right to choose abortion. To no one’s surprise, these politicians paid for their remarks at the polls.

Op/ed: Our servicewomen deserve better than current law allows (November 19, 2012)
By Cindy McNally, CMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
As a retired chief master sergeant in the Air Force, I’ve had the honor of serving my country alongside our nation’s finest. I was responsible for the care of our aircraft and, at one point, led more than 1,500 personnel who maintained three squadrons of F-15 Eagles. I am proud of the military and everything it represents, and I hope one day my granddaughter will wear the uniform.

The Hill: Sen. Brown Calls on House GOP to Support Abortion Rights for Servicewomen (June 14, 2012)

Mother Jones: House GOP Blocking Abortion Access for Raped Soldiers (June 13, 2012)

Indecision Forever: Republicans Block Abortion Access for Military Rape Victims (June 13, 2012)

Feministing: Stand with Servicewomen: Support Access to Abortion in the Military (June 13, 2012)

Adrants: Group Calls for Reverse of Abortion Coverage Ban on Raped Servicewomen (June 13, 2012)

Jezebel: Will Military Women Finally Get the Abortion Access They Deserve? (June 13, 2012)

TIME Battleland Blog: The U.S. Military’s Abortion Policy: Neither Fair nor Equitable (June 11, 2012)

Think Progress: Sen. Shaheen: Women in Military Have Less Access to Affordable Healthcare Than Cilivilians or Inmates (June 8, 2012)

The Hill Blog: Veterans, ACLU Petition Congress to Fund Military Abortions in Cases of Rape (June 7, 2012)

NPR Shots Blog: Abortion-Rights Advocates Pin Hopes on Defense Bill (June 7, 2012)

The Newport News: Servicewomen violated twice (June 3, 2012)

Stars and Stripes: Stop denying female GIs full reproductive rights (June 1, 2012)

New York Times: The Rights of Female Soldiers (June 1, 2012)

Press Release: Retired Air Force Leader and Survivor of Sexual Assault Backs Shaheen Amendment for Equality for Servicewomen (May 31, 2012)

Salon: An overdue abortion access expansion (May 25, 2012)

Think Progress: Senate Committee Votes To Remove Restrictions On Military Abortion Services (May 25, 2012)

Ms. Magazine Feminist Wire: Reproductive Health Amendment Included in Defense Bill (May 25, 2012)

The Raw Story: Group pushes to lift ban on abortion care for women in the military (May 25, 2012)

Air Force Times: Senate panel backs military abortion funding (May 24, 2012)

RH Reality Check: Senate Armed Services Committee Votes to End Military Ban on Insurance Coverage of Abortion Care for Rape and Incest (May 24, 2012)

Army Times: Senate panel backs military abortion funding (May 24, 2012)

Press Release: Stand with Servicewomen

The Huffington Post: Military Rape Policies Announced By Defense Department Don’t Fix Problem, Groups Charge (December 29, 2011)

The New York Times Letter to the Editor: Abortions for Rape Victims (December 18, 2011)

The New York Times Editorial: An Injustice for Women in Uniform (December 11, 2011)

The Boston Globe Letter to the Editor: The Costs of War:  Shaheen Amendment Vital for Military Women (December 11, 2011)

Lousy Canuck: Concerned Women for America: “Let Raped Military Women Pay for Their own Abortions!” (December 11, 2011)

The Guardian: Rape in the US Military: America’s Dirty Little Secret (December 9, 2011)

RT America: Senate refuses abortion rights for rape victims in the military (December 9, 2011)

RH Reality Check: Concerned Women for America’s Condescending Treatment of Our Female Troops (December 4, 2011)

Daily Kos: A “Cure-All” For Rape? Concerned Women for America Not Very Concerned About Women (December 2, 2011)

Jezebel: Military Rape Victims in Need of Abortions Should Just Suck it Up, Says Senate (December 1, 2011)

Feminist Daily News (Feminist Majority Foundation): No Senate Vote on Lifting Ban on Military Abortion Coverage for Rape, Incest (December 1, 2011)

National Partnership for Women and Families Daily Women’s Health Policy Report: Senate Will Not Vote on Amendment To Allow Military Abortion Coverage After Rape (December 1, 2011)

AlterNet: Senate Refuses to Vote on Shaheen Amendment, So Rape Victims in the Military Still Can’t Get Abortions (December 2011)

Turtle Bay and Beyond: Shaheen Amendment to DOD Bill Would Allow Abortion Funding and Expand Abortion Services (November 30, 2011)

FireDogLake: Military Leaders Standing Up for Servicewomen in Support of Shaheen Amendment (November 30, 2011)

RH Reality Check: Why All 100 Senators Should Support Access to Abortion in Cases of Rape in the Military (November 30, 2011)

RH Reality Check: Iraq Veteran Discusses Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military (November 30, 2011)

Mother Jones: Abortion in the Defense Authorization Bill (November 30, 2011)

The Huffington Post: Shaheen Amendment to Restore Abortion Coverage for Military Rape Victims Bypassed In Senate (November 30, 2011)

Think Progress: Shaheen Amendment to Defense Bill Removes Ban on Military Insurance Coverage for Abortions (November 30, 2011)

The Boston Globe Editorial: Fairness for Women in Uniform (November 29, 2011)

RH Reality Check: Military Leaders Standing Up for Servicewomen in Support of Shaheen Amendment (November 29, 2011)

RH Reality Check: The Shaheen Amendment Promises Basic Fairness for Servicewomen. Now Let’s Get a Vote! (November 29, 2011)

The Boston Globe: On Liberty: Senator Brown Should Seize Opportunity to Help Military Families (November 28, 2011)

The Hill Congress Blog: Standing up for servicewomen: Rape survivors deserve access to abortion care (November 28, 2011)

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Give Military Women Equal Abortion Rights (Sept. 21, 2011)

Charleston Gazette Op-Ed: Military Discriminates Against Women on Health Issues by Dr. Coy A. Flowers, Former Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy

Medical Corps (August 3, 2011)

Los Angeles Times Letter to the Editor: Abortion rights (July 6, 2011)

Los Angeles Times Op-Ed: U.S. Military’s Abortion Policy Is Out of Date by Dr. Lawrence J. Korb, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense (June 29, 2011)

New York Times Letter to the Editor: Welfare of Military Women (June 23, 2011)

Jezebel: Military Abortion Access Bill Hits the Senate (June 17, 2011)

ABC News: Abortion Fight Heats Up in Defense Budget Debate (June 16, 2011)

San Francisco Chronicle Letter to the Editor: Respect Abortion Rights (June 7, 2011)

FOX News: 2 Dem Lawmakers Move to Give More Abortion Rights to Service Women (June 6, 2011)

San Francisco Chronicle: Military Should Cover Abortion for Raped Servicewomen (June 3, 2011)

Jezebel: The Fight for Abortion Access for Military Women (June 1, 2011)

Associated Press: Critics: Military Should Cover Abortion After Rape (May 26, 2011)

The Huffington Post: House Refuses to Vote On Abortion Coverage For Military Rape Victims (May 5, 2011)

The New York Times Letter to the Editor: Abortions for Rape Victims (February 18, 2011)